
Dots & Stripes

After a -more or less ;)- hard day at work, I was glad to change in something more fashionable than casual and went straight to the Esprit factory store. It was insane! The girls were scratching and bitching around, as if this or that shirt was a matter of life!
Still got my fingers on a cute bag and a blazer made of cotton. Lovely!

My favourite Taxi shoes and H&M tights!
If you look closely, you can spot my electric blue nail polish!

(skirt, tights, button-up - H&M; shoes- Taxi; belt- ?; watch- DKNY)
Isn't Lotte quite the monster? Gotta love her! ♥

If your weekend starts tomorrow (like mine), enjoy it! If not... haha! JK!

A. xx

1 comment:

  1. hellooooo sexy! ;) love the ruffle skirt and sexy belt.. and Lotte is seriously too cute!! <3
